This item was never in my top list. Even though i kept considering to buy it but the market price always stop me. This item could cost USD70 apiece! For deluxe class figure to spend that huge sum will make me think more than trice. Nevertheless, i admit sometime i do dream to own it one day ;-p
Hence, the day has come for me to decide whether to click or not (eBay). The offer is USD50 + USD30 for Express shipping, MISB package. Hmmm....USD80 means RM270+. Last month when i`m doing some window shopping i saw Nike Label 7.0 Blue Convoy (Magnus) at Sunway Pyramid selling for RM290 unfortunately, loose condition. Therefore, for MISB i think quite a good price. Without any hesitation i clicked the 'Buy It Now' button.
Tadaaa.....! today after a 7 days of waiting i received my package! Yup, the box quite in bad shape but who cares? As long as the figure itself in mint and great condition. Here goes some photo: